Low fee Token Multisender for ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens

We deployed a low fee Token Multisender for ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens. This is great to use for airdrops, giveaways and initial distributions. Read more…

Supported Networks:
Polygon contract: 0x662adc895573D4131F2c3C9c6D0E5CdD1a803E6C
Echelon Network: 0x286a231F619734Bc5cEc3ca600984d237818E7ca
Altcoinchain: 0xCF110A9F7c705604190f9Dd6FDf0FC79D00D569B
How to use:
1. Approve the contract. Go to the contract of the token you want to send, Write Contract tab, and Connect to web 3. Find its approval function. This can vary from contract to contract.

On Mining Game's NFT contract this is 10.setApprovalForAll. Set 0x2831918d075eb7201485862e9fae78ba43b347b6 as Operator and true as approved. 
For WATT token contract it is 1.approve. set 0x2831918d075eb7201485862e9fae78ba43b347b6 as spender and max amount you will allow it to spend. 

Remember to add as many zeroes after as your token have decimals. 

2. Connect to web 3

3. Send tokens. Commaseparated receive addresses, IDs and amounts. Add as many zeroes after as your token have decimals here too.
use 2.multisendToken for Erc20 and 
use 7.send1155ToAddresses for Erc1155 NFTs
put 0.1 payableAmount 
put contract address of the token you are sending in tokenAddress (address)