Category: Uncategorized

  • $WATT HALVING 2023!

    $WATT‘s first HALVING are just around the corner!   WATT’s halving is a yearly event, which happens the day NFT staking became active. That day was May 3 2022! May 3 2023 is the last day with current NFT stake rewards, and May 4th will see a 50% drop in emission! Our NFT stake contract…

  • Buy NFTs through shop contract using WATT!

    Since the shop UI is bugging right now, here is how to buy directly through contracts using WATT! First off, you have to approve the shop contract to spend your WATT: WATT contract: Connect to Web3 go to 1.approve, put shop contract (0xd0804f2cdfc75a308d786dca78f0dc617d991cae) as spender, amount the same as totalAmount Shop contract: Connect…

  • automation script automation script! This javascript bot monitor your stakes, claim WATT rewards, auto buy nfts using WATT and stake them for you.

  • Huge WATT token burn

    170,000 WATT BURNED in tx 0xa688d099f000c….! This are proceeds from the last couple of weeks at To sum up current supply of WATT tokens:  42.62% of total supply of $WATT are burned directly, and 47.79% are burned through liquidity on Quickswap and Uniswap. That’s over 90% burned, only 9.58% of WATT supply are liquid.

  • Its time for a WATT fire

    its time for a WATT fire 🔥 396 UNI-V2 LP tokens burned, adding 2.1% to the already 96.63% of Quickswap Liquidity burned! 70,000 WATT burned, Total 38.0912% of WATT supply is burned! 90% of WATT supply is either burned or locked in LP, only about 84,000 are in wallets 👀

  • WATT DAO is coming

    We have 45 votes for treasury and 6 votes for continuing to burn the WATT income from NFT sales! Over the next days I’ll prepare contracts for a governed treasury, where WATT holders decide its use. These will be deployed on testnet first, you are welcome to take part in testing. I have set up a…

  • Upgrades and bugfixes to the stake app and shop

    Several upgrades and bugfixes to the stake app! WATT Multi-send added to the stake app, You can now easily send WATT to multiple recipients, saving gas! Inventory now shows Buy and Mint buttons for NFTs you don’t have or if you are not logged in. Also, you can now find all payment options for…

  • WATT burn

    Another 42000 WATT burned! 29.23% of total supply is burned so far 🔥

  • Telegram

    The Mining Game is now present on Telegram too! Join us if you use the platform: Telegram Announcement channel: Telegram Chat Group:

  • Send multiple Mining Game NFTs at once

    NFT Multi-send added to the stake app,   You can now easily send multiple Mining Game NFTs to multiple recipients, saving gas! Click the “Approve multi-send” button to give the multi-send contract access to your Mining Game NFTs The page reads your NFT holdings, just set amount & receiver, click “Add”, repeat as necessary…